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Elder Wellness



Ferrous Ascorbate, Folic Acid, L-Arginine Tablets


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(इनके विकल्प के रूप में इस्तमाल करें ) 

Ferrophar-XT, Livogen XT, Hemfer XT,

Uses of This Product


Manages iron deficiency due to chronic blood loss or low intake of iron

Aids in the transportation of oxygen throughout the body

Boosts the energy level by increasing the supply of blood to various parts of the body and keeping your brain active

Lowers the risk of anemia by loading up your level of iron and folic acid

It helps manage nutritional anemia that occurs, especially during pregnancy and lactation

L-Arginine contains an amino acid, L-arginine. It improves blood flow to the muscles by widening the blood vessels. This enhances the growth of muscles.



₹ 97.50 ₹ 195.00
Tax included Shipping calculated at checkout
In Stock


Information about Ferrophar-XT Tablet

Ferrophar-XT Tablet is used to manage and prevent iron and vitamin B9 deficiency. It also helps maintain the proper supply of oxygen throughout the body by aiding the production of red blood cells (RBCs) and platelets which are known to play a key role in oxygen supply. It is used for managing iron-deficiency anemia, which can occur due to chronic blood loss or inadequate intake of iron. It is also recommended to fulfill the body's iron requirement and prevent anemia during pregnancy and lactation. Iron (ferrous ascorbate) and folic acid (vitamin B9) are the main ingredients. As this tablet contains iron in the form of ferrous ascorbate, it helps in the quick absorption of folic acid. It is essential to numerous bodily functions in children and adults as it is required to produce healthy red blood cells and prevent anemia. Syrup is commonly prescribed to manage anemia caused due to deficiency of folic acid. This tablet is generally safe and has little or no side effects. However, if you take any other medications or diet supplements, you should inform your doctor to avoid drug interaction.


Key Ingredients:

Ferrous ascorbate (iron): 200 mg

Folic acid (vitamin B9    ): 17 mcg

L-Arginine                         :500mg


Key Benefits:

Manages iron deficiency due to chronic blood loss or low intake of iron

Aids in the transportation of oxygen throughout the body

Boosts the energy level by increasing the supply of blood to various parts of the body and keeping your brain active

Lowers the risk of anemia by loading up your level of iron and folic acid

It helps manage nutritional anemia that occurs, especially during pregnancy and lactation

L-Arginine contains an amino acid, L-arginine. It works by improving blood flow to the muscles by widening the blood vessels. This improves the growth of muscles.

Effects of Deficiency:

Iron plays a key role in improving blood circulation and oxygen saturation. It also helps to preserve various key functions of the body, such as maintaining your energy levels, improving your gastrointestinal functions, boosting your immune response, and regulating your body temperature

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is another water-soluble B-complex vitamin naturally available in food such as folate and folic acid. This vitamin acts as a coenzyme in synthesizing nucleic acid (DNA) and red blood cells. It is responsible for oxygen supply and also overall growth and development


Product Form:



Directions for Use:

Ferrophar-XT can be taken orally with water, preferably after meals or as directed by the physician.


Safety Information:

Read the label carefully before use

Keep out of reach of the children

Use under medical supervision

Do not exceed the recommended dose

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight


Quick Tips:

Consult your doctor if you suffer from any pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, kidney, or liver problem

It is wise to inform your doctor beforehand if you are taking any other medications or supplements or following any complementary or integrative health approaches such as homeopathic or Ayurvedic medicine

You should not take this supplement if you are allergic to it or any of its components

If you miss a medicine dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it's almost time for the next dose, skip the dose you missed and take your next dose at the scheduled time

You should not consume vitamin and mineral supplements more than the recommended daily dose as it may lead to unwanted side effects

Avoid taking this medication along with tea or coffee as it may interfere with the absorption of iron

Include foods rich in vitamin C, such as orange juice, lemon water, etc., in your diet as it helps in the absorption of iron

Do not consider supplements as a replacement for your diet. Eat a healthy diet rich in all the essential nutrients to lead a healthy life